SEE BRIDGE Project, which aims to support resilience and progress towards a climate-neutral economy through cross-sectoral cooperation and support mechanisms, has published a call for grants to contribute to enterprises operating in the industrial ecosystem.
With this call for grants, it is aimed to support enterprises in digitalisation, green transformation and sustainability in line with the EU Green Deal and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM ) targets.
In line with this goal, grants between 4.000-8.000 Euros will be provided to enterprises.
The purpose of this call for proposals is to provide financial support and access to key resources to support SMEs’ digital and green transformation and SDCC alignment efforts. This call aims to increase the sustainability potential, competitiveness and impact of companies.
Applications are accepted for the eligible activities specified, but not limited to the activities below:
- Business support services
- Sustainability consulting
- Coaching and mentoring services
- Develop carbon footprint reduction and resource efficiency plans
- Developing digital transformation plans
- Supply chain analysis and optimisation
- ERP and CRM systems integration
- Data analytics and business intelligence services
- Carbon accounting and reporting services
- Legal and political counselling
- Certification Services
- Costs of guidance and support services for sustainability or digital/green certification
- Fees and costs for obtaining relevant certificates and intellectual property rights (IPR)
- Participation in Events on CBAM, Digital Transformation and Green Transformation
- Funding for participation in various events to learn about regulations, digital and green best practices under the CBAM
- Fees for webinars, courses, seminars, conferences, workshops and other events
- In-House Trainings
- In-house trainings on CBAM, digital and green transformation
- Software/digital tools trainings and green/circular economy applications trainings
- In addition to the grant support, the selected SMEs will benefit from the coaching and mentoring services provided by SEE BRIDGE to guide their transformation processes in the most effective way.
- In addition, networking events and information days will be organised to encourage strong networking among SMEs.
Although not limited to the following sectors;
- SMEs (including start-ups) operating in energy intensive industries or sectors that are part of upstream or downstream value chains in the energy intensive industry ecosystem, such as chemicals, steel and aluminium, paper, plastics, mining, extraction and quarrying, refineries, cement, wood, rubber, non-ferrous metals, glass and ceramics, construction, waste management, digital and technology, transport, etc.
Accepted projects will be implemented for 6 months starting from January 2025.
The applied projects will be transparently evaluated by a group of independent evaluators.
You can easily submit your applications online via the official SEE BRIDGE Project website.
You can send your questions about the process in English to “” e-mail address.
DEADLINE: 01 October 2024