It is a European project co-financed by the European Commission within Horizon 2020 programme. Primary aim of NIR-VANA Project is to develop online services that will help small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) to innovate together with external partners, often referred to as open or collaborative innovation. Innovation advisors will provide services during the entire innovation process through an online platform where SMEs can collaborate, co-create and co-participate in innovation projects with other SMEs, experts and researchers from all over Europe.
The duration of the project is from May 1st, 2016 to April 30th, 2018.
- Analyse the existing online-collaboration support services for SMEs and to understand SME’s behaviours, needs and barriers when going online
- Design an innovation model and a workflow builder to construct bespoke SME innovation workflows
- Design, develop, integrate and test different ICT tools that will be part of an online collaboration platform
- Develop a training programme aimed at innovation advisors, giving them the skills they need to support the clients in this new innovation environment.
- Validate the services, the training programme and the ICT-based tools