SEE BRIDGE Project Offers Advisory Sessions for SME’s!

SEE BRIDGE Project Offers Advisory Sessions for SME's!

SEE BRIDGE Project aims to contribute to the green and digital transformation processes of SMEs. Activities aiming to improve transformation processes are carried out by providing information support to enterprises on issues such as European Union funding opportunities, transformation and adaptation processes, CBAM requirements.
Within the scope of SEE BRIDGE Project, advisory sessions will be organised for SMEs aiming to take steps in green and digital transformation. In these sessions, SMEs will be provided with the information they need on issues such as green transformation, sustainability, digitalisation, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and their questions about the European Union financing opportunities that they can benefit from for these activities will be answered. Each session will last 30 minutes and 2-3 participants and experts in their fields will come together to address SMEs’ questions on CBAM, EU funding opportunities, digitalisation and green manufacturing.
SMEs will be able to submit the questions they would like experts to answer during these consultancy sessions via the survey below. Click on the link below to participate in our survey: